Mp3 Song/Lyrics Name :tatahshankhaashchbheryashchpanavaanaka
Album Name :Shrimad BHagwat Geeta
Published Year :2016
File Size :67KB Time Duration :16:00:00
ततः शङ्खाश्च भेर्यश्च पणवानकगोमुखाः।
सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त स शब्दस्तुमुलोऽभवत्।।1.13।।
Then all on a sudden, the conch-shells, drums, tabors, trumpets, and cow-horns were sounded; that sound was tumultuous.
And immediately all the conches and drums, the trumpets and horns, blared forth in tumultuous uproar.