Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-14 Sloka-26 Maan Ch Yovyabhichaaren Bhakitayogen Sevate.
Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:maan ch yovyabhichaaren bhakitayogen sevate.sa gunaansamateetyaitaan brahmabhooyaay kalpate.
Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya
Published Year : 2016
File Size:240KB Time Duration :13:00
View In Hindi Lyrics
मूल श्लोकः
मां च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्ितयोगेन सेवते।
स गुणान्समतीत्यैतान् ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते।।14.26।।
Whosoever serves Me alone with an unfailing devotion-Yoga, he, transcending these Strands, turns to be the Brahman.
And he who serves Me and only Me, with unfaltering devotion, shall overcome the Qualities, and become One with the Eternal....