Tag: Bhagwat Shlok

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-24 Yattu Kaamepsuna Karm Saahankaaren va punah

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-24 Yattu Kaamepsuna Karm Saahankaaren va punah

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:yattu kaamepsuna karm saahankaaren va punah.kriyate bahulaayaasan tadraajasamudaahrtam.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः यत्तु कामेप्सुना कर्म साहङ्कारेण वा पुनः। क्रियते बहुलायासं तद्राजसमुदाहृतम्।।18.24।। The object which is abundant in afflictions; and which is further reired by one who craves to attain the desired thing with the feeling of 'I'-that is considered to be of the Rajas (Strand). But even though an action involve the most strenuous endeavour, yet if the doer is seeking to gratify his desires, and is fill...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-23 Niyatan Sangarahitamaraagadveshatah Krtam.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-23 Niyatan Sangarahitamaraagadveshatah Krtam.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:niyatan sangarahitamaraagadveshatah krtam. aphalaprepsuna karm yattatsaattvikamuchyate.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:66KBTime Duration :16:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः नियतं सङ्गरहितमरागद्वेषतः कृतम्। अफलप्रेप्सुना कर्म यत्तत्सात्त्विकमुच्यते।।18.23।। The object that has been acired with determination, without attachment and without desire or hatred, by one who does not crave to reap the fruit [of his action] - that is declared to be of the Sattva (Strand). An obligatory action done by one who is disinterested, who neither likes nor dislikes it, and gives no tho...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-22 Yattu Krtsnavadekasminkaarye Saktamahaitukam.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-22 Yattu Krtsnavadekasminkaarye Saktamahaitukam.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:yattu krtsnavadekasminkaarye saktamahaitukam. atattvaarthavadalpan ch tattaamasamudaahrtam.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:70KBTime Duration :18:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः यत्तु कृत्स्नवदेकस्मिन्कार्ये सक्तमहैतुकम्। अतत्त्वार्थवदल्पं च तत्तामसमुदाहृतम्।।18.22।। That [instrument-of-knowledge], because of which, one, not realising the whole, gets indulged, without reason, in a particular activity, and which is unconcerned with the real nature of things and is insignificant - that is declared to be of the Tamas (Strand). But that which clings blindly to one idea as...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-21 Prthaktven Tu Yajgyaanan Naanaabhaavaanprthagvidhaan

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-21 Prthaktven Tu Yajgyaanan Naanaabhaavaanprthagvidhaan

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:prthaktven tu yajgyaanan naanaabhaavaanprthagvidhaan.vetti sarveshu bhooteshu tajgyaanan viddhi raajasam. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :18:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः पृथक्त्वेन तु यज्ज्ञानं नानाभावान्पृथग्विधान्। वेत्ति सर्वेषु भूतेषु तज्ज्ञानं विद्धि राजसम्।।18.21।। That instrument-of-knowledge, by means of which one considers the varied natures of different sorts in all beings as [really] different-that is regarded to be of the Rajas (Strand). The knowledge which thinks of the manifold existence in all beings as separate - that comes from Passi...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-20 Sarvabhooteshu Yenaikan Bhaavamavyayameekshate

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-20 Sarvabhooteshu Yenaikan Bhaavamavyayameekshate

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:sarvabhooteshu yenaikan bhaavamavyayameekshate.avibhaktan vibhakteshu tajgyaanan viddhi saattvikam Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :18:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः सर्वभूतेषु येनैकं भावमव्ययमीक्षते। अविभक्तं विभक्तेषु तज्ज्ञानं विद्धि सात्त्विकम्।।18.20।। That instrument-of-knowledge, by means of which one perceives in all beings the singular immutable Existence, the Unclassified in the classified ones - that you must know to be born of the Sattva (Strand). That knowledge which sees the One Indestructible in all beings, the One Indivisible in all se...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-19 gyaanan karm ch karta ch tridhaiv gunabhedatah.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-19 gyaanan karm ch karta ch tridhaiv gunabhedatah.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:gyaanan karm ch karta ch tridhaiv gunabhedatah.prochyate gunasankhyaane yathaavachchhrnu taanyapi.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:68KBTime Duration :17:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः ज्ञानं कर्म च कर्ता च त्रिधैव गुणभेदतः। प्रोच्यते गुणसंख्याने यथावच्छृणु तान्यपि।।18.19।। The instrument of knowledge, the object and the agent are just three kinds because of the differences in the Strands-thus it is declared in enumerating the Strands. These also you must listen to [from Me] as they are. The knowledge, the act and the doer differ according to the Qualities. L...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -18 Gyaanan Gyeyan Parigyaata Trividha Karmachodana.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -18 Gyaanan Gyeyan Parigyaata Trividha Karmachodana.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER18SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:gyaanan gyeyan parigyaata trividha karmachodana. karanan karm karteti trividhah karmasangrahah. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :17:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं परिज्ञाता त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना। करणं कर्म कर्तेति त्रिविधः कर्मसंग्रहः।।18.18।। The instrument of knowledge, the object-of-knowledge, and the knowing subject-the prompting-in-action, consisting of these three-fold elements is [itself] the proper grasping of action with three-fold elements viz., the instrument, the object and the agent. Knowledge, the knower and the obj...

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -17 Yasy Naahankrto Bhaavo Buddhiryasy Na Lipyate.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:yasy naahankrto bhaavo buddhiryasy na lipyate.hatvaapi sa imaanllokaann hanti na nibadhyate Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:68KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics यस्य नाहंकृतो भावो बुद्धिर्यस्य न लिप्यते। हत्वापि स इमाँल्लोकान्न हन्ति न निबध्यते।।18.17।। He, whose mental disposition is not dominated by the sense 'I', and whose intellect is not stained - he, even if he slays these worlds, does not [really] slay any and he is not fettered. He who has no pride, and whose intellect is unalloyed by attachment, even though he kill these people, yet he does not kill them, ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -16 tatraivan sati kartaaramaatmaanan kevalan tu yah.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -16 tatraivan sati kartaaramaatmaanan kevalan tu yah.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:tatraivan sati kartaaramaatmaanan kevalan tu yah. pashyatyakrtabuddhitvaann sa pashyati durmatih. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:68KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः तत्रैवं सति कर्तारमात्मानं केवलं तु यः। पश्यत्यकृतबुद्धित्वान्न स पश्यति दुर्मतिः।।18.16।। But this being the case, whosoever views himself as the sole agent (cause of actions) due to his imperfect intellect - he, the defective-minded one, does not view [things rightly]. But the fool who supposes, because of his immature judgment, that it is his own Self alone that acts, he perverts the t...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -15 Shareeravaanmanobhiryatkarm Praarabhate Narah

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -15 Shareeravaanmanobhiryatkarm Praarabhate Narah

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:shareeravaanmanobhiryatkarm praarabhate narah.nyaayyan va vipareetan va panchaite tasy hetavah.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:72KBTime Duration :19:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः शरीरवाङ्मनोभिर्यत्कर्म प्रारभते नरः। न्याय्यं वा विपरीतं वा पञ्चैते तस्य हेतवः।। O Arjuna ! Whatever action is undertaken with the body, speech or the mind, whether it is lawful or otherwise, its factors are these five. Whatever action a man performs, whether by muscular effort or by speech or by thought, and whether it be right or wrong, these five are the essential causes....
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -14 Adhishthaanan Tatha Karta Karanan Ch Prthagvidham.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -14 Adhishthaanan Tatha Karta Karanan Ch Prthagvidham.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:adhishthaanan tatha karta karanan ch prthagvidham.vividhaashch prthakcheshta daivan chaivaatr panchamam..1 Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:72KBTime Duration :19:00 View In Hindi Lyrics अधिष्ठानं तथा कर्ता करणं च पृथग्विधम्। विविधाश्च पृथक्चेष्टा दैवं चैवात्र पञ्चमम्।।18.14।। The basis, as well as the agent, and diverse instruments, and distinct activity of various kinds and Destiny, which is certainly the fifth [factor]. They are a body, a personality, physical organs, their manifold activity and destiny....
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -13 Panchaitaani Mahaabaaho Kaaranaani Nibodh Me.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -13 Panchaitaani Mahaabaaho Kaaranaani Nibodh Me.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:panchaitaani mahaabaaho kaaranaani nibodh me.saankhye krtaante proktaani siddhaye sarvakarmanaam Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:68KBTime Duration :17:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः पञ्चैतानि महाबाहो कारणानि निबोध मे। सांख्ये कृतान्ते प्रोक्तानि सिद्धये सर्वकर्मणाम्।।18.13।। O mighty-armed one ! Learn from Me these following five causes that have been declared in the conclusion of deliberations [on proper knowledge], for the accomplishment of all actions. I will tell thee now, O Mighty Man, the five causes which, according to the final decision of philosophy,...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -12 Anishtamishtan Mishran Ch Trividhan Karmanah Phalam.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -12 Anishtamishtan Mishran Ch Trividhan Karmanah Phalam.

Shri SaiBaba Bhakti Songs, Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:anishtamishtan mishran ch trividhan karmanah phalam. bhavatyatyaaginaan prety na tu sannyaasinaan kvachi Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :18:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः अनिष्टमिष्टं मिश्रं च त्रिविधं कर्मणः फलम्। भवत्यत्यागिनां प्रेत्य न तु संन्यासिनां क्वचित्।।18.12।। The three-fold fruit of action, viz., the undesired, the desired and the mixed, accrues [even] after death ot those who are not men of relinishment, but never to those who are men of renunciation. For those who cannot renounce all desire, the fruit of action hereafter is...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -11 Na Hi Dehabhrta Shakyan Tyaktun Karmaanyasheshatah

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -11 Na Hi Dehabhrta Shakyan Tyaktun Karmaanyasheshatah

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:na hi dehabhrta shakyan tyaktun karmaanyasheshatah.yastu karmaphalatyaagee sa tyaageetyabhidheeyate. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः न हि देहभृता शक्यं त्यक्तुं कर्माण्यशेषतः। यस्तु कर्मफलत्यागी स त्यागीत्यभिधीयते।।18.11।। Indeed, to relinish actions entirely is not possible for a body-bearing one; but whosoever relinishes the fruits of actions, he is said to be a man of [true] relinishment. But since those still in the body cannot entirely avoid action, in their case abandonment of the fruit of action is considered ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -10 Na Dveshtyakushalan Karm Kushale Naanushajjate

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -10 Na Dveshtyakushalan Karm Kushale Naanushajjate

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:na dveshtyakushalan karm kushale naanushajjate.tyaagee sattvasamaavishto medhaavee chhinnasanshayah. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:68KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः न द्वेष्ट्यकुशलं कर्म कुशले नानुषज्जते। त्यागी सत्त्वसमाविष्टो मेधावी छिन्नसंशयः।।18.10।। The man of relinishment, who is well possessed of the Sattva, is wise and has his doubts destroyed-he hates not the unskilled action and clings not to the skilled action. The wise man who has attained purity, whose doubts are solved, who is filled with the spirit of self-abnegation, does not shrink f...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -9 Kaaryamityev Yatkarm Niyatan Kriyaterjun

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -9 Kaaryamityev Yatkarm Niyatan Kriyaterjun

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:kaaryamityev yatkarm niyatan kriyaterjun.sangan tyaktva phalan chaiv sa tyaagah saattviko matah. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:68KBTime Duration :17:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः कार्यमित्येव यत्कर्म नियतं क्रियतेऽर्जुन। सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा फलं चैव स त्यागः सात्त्विको मतः।।18.9।। This is a thing to be performed.'-just on that ground whatever usual action is performed relinishing attachment and also fruit-that act of relinishment is deemed to be of the Sattva (Strand). He who performs an obligatory action, because he believes it to be a duty which ought to be...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -8 Kaaryamityev Yatkarm Niyatan Kriyaterjun

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -8 Kaaryamityev Yatkarm Niyatan Kriyaterjun

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESHkaaryamityev yatkarm niyatan kriyaterjun.sangan tyaktva phalan chaiv sa tyaagah saattviko matah. #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name: Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः कार्यमित्येव यत्कर्म नियतं क्रियतेऽर्जुन। सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा फलं चैव स त्यागः सात्त्विको मतः।।18.9।। 'This is a thing to be performed.'-just on that ground whatever usual action is performed relinishing attachment and also fruit-that act of relinishment is deemed to be of the Sattva (Strand). He who performs an obligatory action, because he believes it to be a duty which ought to be done, with...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -7 Niyatasy Tu Sannyaasah Karmano Nopapadyate.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -7 Niyatasy Tu Sannyaasah Karmano Nopapadyate.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:niyatasy tu sannyaasah karmano nopapadyate.mohaattasy parityaagastaamasah parikeertitah.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics नियतस्य तु संन्यासः कर्मणो नोपपद्यते। मोहात्तस्य परित्यागस्तामसः परिकीर्तितः।।18.7।। The renunciation of the enjoined action does not stand to reason; and completely relinishing it, out of ignorance is proclaimed, on all sides, as an act of the Tamas (Strand). It is not right to give up actions which are obligatory; and if they are misunderstood, it is the result of sheer ignorance....
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -6 Etaanyapi Tu Karmaani Sangan Tyaktva Phalaani Ch.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -6 Etaanyapi Tu Karmaani Sangan Tyaktva Phalaani Ch.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:etaanyapi tu karmaani sangan tyaktva phalaani ch.kartavyaaneeti me paarth nishichatan matamuttamam Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:70KBTime Duration :18:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः एतान्यपि तु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा फलानि च। कर्तव्यानीति मे पार्थ निश्िचतं मतमुत्तमम्।।18.6।। Even these actions too must be performed by relinishing attachment and fruits : This is my considered best opinion, O son of Prtha ! But they should be done with detachment and without thought of recompense. This is my final judgment....
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -5 Yagyadaanatapahkarm Na Tyaajyan Kaaryamev Tat

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter -18 Sloka -5 Yagyadaanatapahkarm Na Tyaajyan Kaaryamev Tat

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:yagyadaanatapahkarm na tyaajyan kaaryamev tat. yagyo daanan tapashchaiv paavanaani maneeshinaam.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:69KBTime Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः यज्ञदानतपःकर्म न त्याज्यं कार्यमेव तत्। यज्ञो दानं तपश्चैव पावनानि मनीषिणाम्।।18.5।। The actions of [Vedic] sacrifice, gift and austerity should not be relinished and they must necessarily be performed; for the men of wisdom the [Vedic sacrifice, gift and also austerity are the means of purification. Acts of sacrifice, benevolence and austerity should not be given up but should be perform...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-3 Tyaajyan Doshavadityeke Karm Praahurmaneeshinah.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-18 Sloka-3 Tyaajyan Doshavadityeke Karm Praahurmaneeshinah.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER16SHLOK23 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:tyaajyan doshavadityeke karm praahurmaneeshinah. yagyadaanatapahkarm na tyaajyamiti chaapare.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:67KBTime Duration :17:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः त्याज्यं दोषवदित्येके कर्म प्राहुर्मनीषिणः। यज्ञदानतपःकर्म न त्याज्यमिति चापरे।।18.3।। Certain wise men delcare that the harmful action is to be relinished while others say that the actions of performing sacrifices, giving gifts and observing austerities should not be relinished. Some philosophers say that all action is evil and should be abandoned. Others that acts of sacrifice,...