Tag: Bhagwad Geeta Sloka

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-29 Saman Pashyanhi Sarvatr Samavasthitameeshvaram.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-29 Saman Pashyanhi Sarvatr Samavasthitameeshvaram.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:saman pashyanhi sarvatr samavasthitameeshvaram.na hinastyaatmanaatmaanan tato yaati paraan gatim. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:231KB Time Duration :13:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः समं पश्यन्हि सर्वत्र समवस्थितमीश्वरम्। न हिनस्त्यात्मनाऽऽत्मानं ततो याति परां गतिम्।।13.29।। Whosoever, perceiving the Lord as abiding in all alike, does not harm the Self by the Self-he attains, on that account, the Supreme Goal. Beholding the Lord in all things equally, his actions do not mar his spiritual life but lead him to the height of Bliss. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-28 Saman Sarveshu Bhooteshu Tishthantan Parameshvaram

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-28 Saman Sarveshu Bhooteshu Tishthantan Parameshvaram

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK28 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:saman sarveshu bhooteshu tishthantan parameshvaram.vinashyatsvavinashyantan yah pashyati sa pashyati Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:226KB Time Duration :12:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः समं सर्वेषु भूतेषु तिष्ठन्तं परमेश्वरम्। विनश्यत्स्वविनश्यन्तं यः पश्यति स पश्यति।।13.28।। Whosoever perceives the Supreme Lord as abiding and as non-perishing in all beings alike, while they perish - he perceives properly. He who can see the Supreme Lord in all beings, the Imperishable amidst the perishable, he it is who really sees. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-27 Yaavatsanjaayate Kinchitsattvan Sthaavarajangamam

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-27 Yaavatsanjaayate Kinchitsattvan Sthaavarajangamam

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK27 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH GeetaShlok/LyricsName:yaavatsanjaayatekin chitsattvansthaavarajangamam. kshetrakshetragyasanyogaattadviddhi bharatarshabh. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:199KB Time Duration :11:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः यावत्सञ्जायते किञ्चित्सत्त्वं स्थावरजङ्गमम्। क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञसंयोगात्तद्विद्धि भरतर्षभ।।13.27।। Whatever living being is born, stationary or moving, you should know that all this has a close connection with the Field and the Field-sensitizer, O the best of the Bharatas ! Wherever life is seen in things movable or immovable, it is the joint product of Matter and Spirit. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-25 Dhyaanenaatmani Pashyanti Kechidaatmaanamaatmana.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-25 Dhyaanenaatmani Pashyanti Kechidaatmaanamaatmana.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK25 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:dhyaanenaatmani pashyanti kechidaatmaanamaatmana.anye saankhyen yogen karmayogen chaapare Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:265KB Time Duration :15:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः ध्यानेनात्मनि पश्यन्ति केचिदात्मानमात्मना। अन्ये सांख्येन योगेन कर्मयोगेन चापरे।।13.25।। [However] by means of meditation, certain persons (Yogis) perceive the Self as the Self in the self (the heart etc.); others by the knowledge-Yoga; and others by the action-Yoga. Some realise the Supreme by meditating, by its aid, on the Self within, others by pure reason, others by right action. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-24 Ya Evan Vetti Purushan Prakrtin Ch Gunaihsah.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-24 Ya Evan Vetti Purushan Prakrtin Ch Gunaihsah.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK24 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:ya evan vetti purushan prakrtin ch gunaihsah.sarvatha vartamaanopi na sa bhooyobhijaayate.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:229KB Time Duration :00:12:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः य एवं वेत्ति पुरुषं प्रकृतिं च गुणैःसह। सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि न स भूयोऽभिजायते।।13.24।। He who knows, in this manner, the Soul and the Material Cause together with Strands-he is not born again, even though he behaves in different ways. He who understands God and Nature along with her qualities, whatever be his condition in life, he comes not again to earth. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-23 Upadrashtaanumanta Ch Bharta Bhokta Maheshvarah.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-23 Upadrashtaanumanta Ch Bharta Bhokta Maheshvarah.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:upadrashtaanumanta ch bharta bhokta maheshvarah.paramaatmeti chaapyukto dehesminpurushah parah.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:262KB Time Duration :15:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः उपद्रष्टाऽनुमन्ता च भर्ता भोक्ता महेश्वरः। परमात्मेति चाप्युक्तो देहेऽस्मिन्पुरुषः परः।।13.23।। . The Supreme Soul in this [corporeal] body is called the Spectator, the Assentor, the Supporter, the Experiencer, the Mighty Lord and also the Supreme Self. Thus in the body of man dwells the Supreme God; He who sees and permits, upholds and enjoys, the Highest God and the Highest Self. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-22 Purushah prakrtistho hi bhunkte prakrtijaangunaan.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-22 Purushah prakrtistho hi bhunkte prakrtijaangunaan.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK22 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:purushah prakrtistho hi bhunkte prakrtijaangunaan.kaaranan gunasangosy sadasadyonijanmasu. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:321KB Time Duration :18:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थो हि भुङ्क्ते प्रकृतिजान्गुणान्। कारणं गुणसङ्गोऽस्य सदसद्योनिजन्मसु।।13.22।। For, the Soul, seated on the Material Cause, enjoys the Strands born of the Material Cause; His attachment to the Strands is the cause for his births in the good and evil wombs. God dwelling in the heart of Nature experiences the Qualities which nature brings forth; and His affinity towards the Qualiti...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-21 Kaaryakaaranakartrtve Hetuh Prakrtiruchyate

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-21 Kaaryakaaranakartrtve Hetuh Prakrtiruchyate

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:kaaryakaaranakartrtve hetuh prakrtiruchyate.purushah sukhaduhkhaanaan bhoktrtve heturuchyate.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:231KB Time Duration :13:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वे हेतुः प्रकृतिरुच्यते। पुरुषः सुखदुःखानां भोक्तृत्वे हेतुरुच्यते।।13.21।। In creating [the process of] cause-and-effect, the Material Cause is said to be the basis; and in experiencing pleasure and pain, the Soul is said to be the basis. Nature is the Law which generates cause and effect; God is the source of the enjoyment of all pleasure and pain. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-20 Prakrtin Purushan Chaiv Viddhyanaadee Ubhaavapi.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-20 Prakrtin Purushan Chaiv Viddhyanaadee Ubhaavapi.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:prakrtin purushan chaiv viddhyanaadee ubhaavapi.vikaaraanshch gunaanshchaiv viddhi prakrtisambhavaan. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:272KB Time Duration :15:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः प्रकृतिं पुरुषं चैव विद्ध्यनादी उभावपि। विकारांश्च गुणांश्चैव विद्धि प्रकृतिसंभवान्।।13.20।। . Both the Material Cause and the Soul too are beginningless, you should know this; you should also know that the modifications and Strands are born of the Material Cause. Know thou further that Nature and God have no beginning; and that differences of character and quality have their origin in...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-19 Iti Kshetran Tatha Gyaanan Gyeyan Choktan Samaasatah.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-19 Iti Kshetran Tatha Gyaanan Gyeyan Choktan Samaasatah.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:iti kshetran tatha gyaanan gyeyan choktan samaasatah.madbhakt etadvigyaay madbhaavaayopapadyate. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:307KB Time Duration :17:00   View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः इति क्षेत्रं तथा ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं चोक्तं समासतः। मद्भक्त एतद्विज्ञाय मद्भावायोपपद्यते।।13.19।। This field as well as the knowledge and what is to be known, all are mentioned collectively; clearly understanding this, My devotee becomes worthy of My state. 9 Thus I have told thee in brief what Matter is, and the Self worth realising and what is Wisdom. He who is devoted to Me knows;...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-18 Jyotishaamapi Tajjyotistamasah Paramuchyate.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-18 Jyotishaamapi Tajjyotistamasah Paramuchyate.

भजन कीर्तन हिंदी लिरिक्स
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK18 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:jyotishaamapi tajjyotistamasah paramuchyate.gyaanan gyeyan gyaanagamyan hrdi sarvasy vishthitam. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:307KB Time Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः ज्योतिषामपि तज्ज्योतिस्तमसः परमुच्यते। ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं ज्ञानगम्यं हृदि सर्वस्य विष्ठितम्।।13.18।। This is the Light even of [all] the lights, [and] is stated to be beyond darkness; It is to be known by [the above] knowledge; It is to be attained [only] by knowledge; and It distinctly remains in the heart of all. It is the Light of lights, beyond the reach of darkness; the Wisdom, the only thi...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-17 Avibhaktan Ch Bhooteshu Vibhaktamiv Ch Sthitam

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-17 Avibhaktan Ch Bhooteshu Vibhaktamiv Ch Sthitam

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:avibhaktan ch bhooteshu vibhaktamiv ch sthitam.bhootabhartr ch tajgyeyan grasishnu prabhavishnu ch. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:244KB Time Duration :13:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः अविभक्तं च भूतेषु विभक्तमिव च स्थितम्। भूतभर्तृ च तज्ज्ञेयं ग्रसिष्णु प्रभविष्णु च।।13.17।। It remains undistinguished (common) in the distinguished [beings], and appears as if distinguished. It is to be known as the supporter of beings, and also as [their] swallower and orginator. In all beings undivided, yet living in division, It is the upholder of all, Creator and Destroyer alike; ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-16 Bahirantashch Bhootaanaamacharan Charamev Ch.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-16 Bahirantashch Bhootaanaamacharan Charamev Ch.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:bahirantashch bhootaanaamacharan charamev ch.sookshmatvaattadavigyeyan doorasthan chaantike ch tat. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:279KB Time Duration :16:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः बहिरन्तश्च भूतानामचरं चरमेव च। सूक्ष्मत्वात्तदविज्ञेयं दूरस्थं चान्तिके च तत्।।13.16।। It is without and within every being and is unmoving and yet moving too; due to Its subtle nature It is incomprehensible; It exists far away, yet near It is. It is within all beings, yet outside; motionless yet moving; too subtle to be perceived; far away yet always near. ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-15 Sarvendriyagunaabhaasan Sarvendriyavivarjitam.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-15 Sarvendriyagunaabhaasan Sarvendriyavivarjitam.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK15 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:sarvendriyagunaabhaasan sarvendriyavivarjitam.asaktan sarvabhrchchaiv nirgunan gunabhoktr ch. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:339KB Time Duration :19:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः सर्वेन्द्रियगुणाभासं सर्वेन्द्रियविवर्जितम्। असक्तं सर्वभृच्चैव निर्गुणं गुणभोक्तृ च।।13.15।। It causes all the sense-alities to shine; [yet] It is without any sense-organ; It is unattached, yet all-supporting; It is free from the Strands, yet enjoys the Strands. ] Beyond the senses, It yet shines through every sense perception. Bound to nothing, It yet sustains everything. Unaffected by ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-14 Sarvatah Paanipaadan Tatsarvatokshishiromukham.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-14 Sarvatah Paanipaadan Tatsarvatokshishiromukham.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK14 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:sarvatah paanipaadan tatsarvatokshishiromukham.sarvatah shrutimalloke sarvamaavrty tishthati. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:373KB Time Duration :22:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः सर्वतः पाणिपादं तत्सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्। सर्वतः श्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठति।।13.14।। It has hands and feet of all, has eyes, heads and faces of all, has ears of all in the world; It remains enveloping all. Everywhere are Its hands and Its feet; everywhere It has eyes that see, heads that think and mouths that speak; everywhere It listens; It dwells in all the worlds; It envelops them a...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-13 Gyeyan Yattatpravakshyaami Yajgyaatvaamrtamashnute.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-13 Gyeyan Yattatpravakshyaami Yajgyaatvaamrtamashnute.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:gyeyan yattatpravakshyaami yajgyaatvaamrtamashnute.anaadimatparan brahm na sattannaasaduchyate. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:421KB Time Duration :25:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वाऽमृतमश्नुते। अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म न सत्तन्नासदुच्यते।।13.13।। . I shall describe that which is to be known, by knowing which one attains freedom from death : beginningless is the Supreme Brahman; It is said to be neither existent nor non-existent. I will speak to thee now of that great Truth which man ought to know, since by its means he will win immortal ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-12 Adhyaatmagyaananityatvan Tattvagyaanaarthadarshanam.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-12 Adhyaatmagyaananityatvan Tattvagyaanaarthadarshanam.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:adhyaatmagyaananityatvan tattvagyaanaarthadarshanam.etajgyaanamiti proktamagyaanan yadatonyatha.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:262KB Time Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम्। एतज्ज्ञानमिति प्रोक्तमज्ञानं यदतोन्यथा।।13.12।। Constancy in the Self-knowledge; and viewing things of knowing the Reality-all this is declared to be [conducive to or manifesting] true knowledge, and what is opposed to this is [conducive to or manifesting] wrong knowledge. Constant yearning for the knowledge of Self, and pondering over the le...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-11 Mayi Chaananyayogen Bhakitaravyabhichaarinee.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-11 Mayi Chaananyayogen Bhakitaravyabhichaarinee.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK11 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:mayi chaananyayogen bhakitaravyabhichaarinee.viviktadeshasevitvamaratirjanasansadi. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:252KB Time Duration :17:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्ितरव्यभिचारिणी। विविक्तदेशसेवित्वमरतिर्जनसंसदि।।13.11।। . And an unfailing devotion towards Me, with the Yoga of non-difference; resorting to solitary place; distaste for a crowd of people; Unswerving devotion to Me, by concentration on Me and Me alone, a love for solitude, indifference to social life; ...
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-10 Asakitaranabhishvangah Putradaaragrhaadishu.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-10 Asakitaranabhishvangah Putradaaragrhaadishu.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK10 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:asakitaranabhishvangah putradaaragrhaadishu.nityan ch samachittatvamishtaanishtopapattishu.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:216KB Time Duration :12:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः असक्ितरनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु। नित्यं च समचित्तत्वमिष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु।।13.10।। Non-attachment; detachment towards [one's] children, wives, houses and the like; and a constant eal-mindedness on the occurrence of the desirable and the undesirable things; Indifference, non-attachment to sex, progeny or home, equanimity in good fortune and in bad; ...
Shrimad BHagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-9 Indriyaartheshu Vairaagyamanahankaar Ev Ch.

Shrimad BHagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-9 Indriyaartheshu Vairaagyamanahankaar Ev Ch.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER13SHLOK9 #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:indriyaartheshu vairaagyamanahankaar ev ch.janmamrtyujaraavyaadhiduhkhadoshaanudarshanam. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:278KB Time Duration :16:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यमनहङ्कार एव च। जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिदुःखदोषानुदर्शनम्।।13.9।। . Absence of desire for sense-objects; and also absence of egotism; pondering over the evils of birth, death, old age, sickness and sorrow; Renunciation of the delights of sense, absence of pride, right understanding of the painful problem of birth and death, of age and sickness; ...
Shrimad BHagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-8 Amaanitvamadambhitvamahinsa Kshaantiraarjavam.

Shrimad BHagwad Geeta Chapter-13 Sloka-8 Amaanitvamadambhitvamahinsa Kshaantiraarjavam.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Shlok
#BHAKTIGAANE #MAHABHARATSHLOK #MAHAKAVYASHLOK #CHAPTER2SHLOK #GEETASHLOK #GEETAUPDESH #BHAGWATSHLOK #KRISHNAUPDESH Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:amaanitvamadambhitvamahinsa kshaantiraarjavam.aachaaryopaasanan shauchan sthairyamaatmavinigrahah.. Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya Published Year : 2016 File Size:272KB Time Duration :15:00 View In Hindi Lyrics मूल श्लोकः अमानित्वमदम्भित्वमहिंसा क्षान्तिरार्जवम्। आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रहः।।13.8।। . Absence of pride; absence of hypocricy; harm-lessness; patience; uprightness; service to the preceptor; purity [of mind and body]; steadfastness; self-control; Humility, sincerity, harmlessness, forgiveness, rectitude, service of the Master, purity, steadfastness, self-control; ...