Shrimad Bhgawad Geeta Chapter-12 Sloka-18 Samah Shatrau Ch Mitre Ch Tatha Maanaapamaanayoh.
Geeta Shlok/Lyrics Name:samah shatrau ch mitre ch tatha maanaapamaanayoh.sheetoshnasukhaduhkheshu samah sangavivarjitah..
Album Name : Shrimad Bhgwad Geeta Mahakavya
Published Year : 2016
File Size:270KB Time Duration :15:00
View In Hindi Lyrics
मूल श्लोकः
समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः।
शीतोष्णसुखदुःखेषु समः सङ्गविवर्जितः।।12.18।।
He, who feels alike to the foe and to the friend and also to honour and to dishonour; who feels alike to cold and to heat, to pleasure and to pain; who is totally free from attachment;
He to whom friend and foe are alike, who welcomes equally honour and dishonour, heat and cold, pleasure and pain, who is ena...