Geeta Sloka/Lyrics Name :Yudhaamanyushch Vikraant Uttamaujaashch
Album Name :Shrimad BHagwat Geeta Sloka
Published Year :2016
File Size :69KB Time Duration :17:00:00
युधामन्युश्च विक्रान्त उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान्।
सौभद्रो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्व एव महारथाः।।1.6।।
And Yudhamanyu, the heroic, and Uttamaujas, the valourous, the son of Subhadra and the sons of Draupadiall are indeed mighty warriors.
1.6 Yudhamanyu, Uttamouja, Soubhadra and the sons of Droupadi, famous men.